My concept art for how cannon fist infused weapons can work

You see, currently, cannon fist does not do much when imbued onto weapons at the moment, which is somewhat underwhelming as it feels like cannon fist could’ve had so much potential for it’s imbuement gimmick, but it is what it is.

However, I’ve created concept art that I believe will be obviously the perfect way that cannon fist imbuements should work. I’ve spent a while theorizing it, as well as making sure it has a balanced and fun unique ability that could be granted on to weapons hypothetically, allowing for new playstyles and builds to be made.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to thee, my concept art for how imbuements with Cfist can work:

Click to see my brilliance



I hate this completely and utterly. How could you even begin to have and sleep through a nightmare so bad that you see THIS? Jesus Christ, you need some severe therapy. THEN you need to apologize to your therapist, then ask to be referred to their therapist that they’ll be seeing afterwards because of this. How disturbed was your soul when you created this… abomination? Let’s play hide and seek, if you will. I hide, and you seek professional assistance with your trauma. Delete this.

The therapist is gonna need a therapist

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Awww ty warmwater ur the best :hugs:

you spent 5 min editing my description of your nightmare into this.

honestly respect for managing to reverse the entirety of it

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I’m just like that :sunglasses: ya know :smirk: :crazy_face:

Oh no @DubiousLittleTyp0 Its another oleg ? , idk the guy who say pee etc every time

Like @WarmWater I don’t want to be a hater , but

“What the hell fuck god dammit jesus fucking christ One soul of Satan Bless of blood ARE THAT?aaa” Why another Oleg.

What the hell fuck god dammit jesus fucking christ One soul of Satan Bless of blood ARE THAT?aaa

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in all seriousness, I think cannon fist should imbue gunpowder into weapons

This has truly been an arcane odyssey


the sunken sword is making me blush…

Argos’ Lance spitting out a volley of cannons would go hard as fuck

Anyways so do u guys think this is amazing and totally makes sense and vetex should seriously consider?
