you okay?
come closer
hm, looks normal enough. A little blurry but eh
a c i d
o h g o d
It gets even better on my screen
Fucken hell. Who laced Mako’s fish food with acid?
Okay, I didn’t LACE it, I MOTHERFUCKING DUMPED all that shit in there. Better wording.
make a deepfried mako next
At least he isnt addicted to acid AND alcohol
Wait, who just put beer in the fish tank?
Welp, I guess there’s only one way to save Mako now…
Pumps shotgun
mako fangirling
I should deep fry this image right now lol.
Why was I taken as a drug
Somebody spiked my fish food.
A man of quality.
Damn this pfp is dynamic af. I love how much it changes hehe.