My first Vastira WOOOOHOOO

After almost a hundred mino duels I finally get it

Here is the proof
ain’t gonna trade it

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jokes on you I have four

Atleast I achieved an achievement

yeah true lol


congratulations buddo…welcome to the axe club-

(better use it as much as possible cuz the damage is gonna be nerfed 60%)

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Wielding it one-handedly like a boss. Nice :sunglasses:


Smh imagine having a boss drop
No i’m not salty

I wonder if you’re gonna gamble the whole axe for an enchantment that you only have a 33.3% chance of getting

heheh i believe you

I get hard
Atleast it’s not that bad

Tbh nothing is especially bad for the Vastira
Swift reduces the extreme stamina cost while also making its pretty good melee faster
Hard turns the Vastira into a slightly worse unbreakable unenchanted Wall of Jericho that can still be used as a weapon.
Strong is strong.

really? in the new 1.4 update? thats bs

It was a bit changed but yeah image

at least it doesn’t make my no magic save fully don’t get 100% obsolete without destruction

nice job, but get an oathkeeper

I will do it
but not now

it’s getting nerfed to the ground in the weapon nerf

might as well get it while its still good