My friend caught someone explotiting

So my friend was playing some WoM and caught someone flying, and they also were able to kill him with nothing. The videos listed below are evidence

And here is an image of their WoM name

@Meta could you report this to Vetex?

I can’t do anything about it unless I have the code they used

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But can’t you like ban them? You have their Roblox username

If you want to report a specific exploiter, you need to report them to a Game Moderator on the discord. You don’t have to report directly to Vetex. Also you need to have their Roblox username clearly visible, just their WoM name alone does not do anything. Also please, if possible, use a recording software other than Roblox’s recorder to get a better resolution and have their name easier to read.

Exploit Report: (From Vetex’s Games Discord)

1. Before you do anything: Do not tell the exploiter you are reporting them.
2. Take a screenshot or a video: We will need evidence to ban a user, if you have a video please upload it to a website like YouTube, videos where we cannot read the name aren’t usable.
3. Username: Make sure you have a screenshot of their username and their in-game name, we cannot ban them without this.

DM all your evidence with the Username to a @:closed_lock_with_key:Game Moderator .

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pretty sure they’re already banned

My friend recorded this. And their ROBLOX profile IS clearly visible. On the death screen and on the image I showed. Idk why Vetex can’t just ban them

Like thingyy said, they’re probably already banned. I’m just saying if you need to report an exploiter again, it’s better to do on discord with the game mods.

Oh, ok then.

I assumed you meant “report it to vetex so he can patch it” since we have mods to ban exploiters, I don’t do it :fr:


Oh, ok. Thanks for the clarification.

be like Space Station 13, hard code everything and get complains for insame lag :ok_hand:t2:

i prefer having a Account name from player list (via menu) and ingame name + account name as evidance, who know if they could manipulate things to give someone misinformation from ingame player list

I met a hacker on a 1 player server who was using speed hacks and some sort of kill aura, but I didn’t know how to record on Windows 10 Roblox.

win + g
its the built in screen rec

got it, thanks

I’d recommend downloading OBS. It is really useful for screen recording and more

Sorry im a computer noob.