My Frostdraw build Failled so please vote for my new build

  • Avatar build(every element except shadowcast)
  • Wind dasher with spear.(main focus would be the gale dash talent please pick this)
  • Frostdraw conjurer(only ice weapon mantra)
  • Flamecharm(lame.)

0 voters

Personally i want the wind dasher build since i love spear and wind is very good.

Deepwoken player :point_up: I can’t talk I play and enjoy it too

Stop playing Deepwoken and start eating cake.

Go rapier + full agility with thundercall

explosion path flamecharm and fists

that sounds broken ill try it on a flame slot :smiley:

I would go thundercall but im afraid that i wont get any of the rare cards that make the build viable.

just do trial of one or gank people

Will do!

touch some grass and go to the gym smh

How exactly do you want me to react?
Oh no he told me to go outside because i play deepwoken!!:hungry:

where is cake or did you finish eating it?

Yes, it was keylime cake and i enjoyed it.


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tap into flamecharm

very op

It’s literly impossiable to make an optimal build on anything without like a thousand resets

truly i say to you