My headcannon on where the Promethean Fire Curse is

Its pretty simple really, it has nothing to do with magic pollution in the deep seas or anything like that. In fact im going to put a censor over it because your mind will be broken after you read it

The magic was taken by a fish

I have multiple points to prove this, as humans haven’t found it to this day, because it was taken by a fish, and you may ask “but how is that fish alive?”, and my answer to that is that it has the curse, therefor it cannot die.

I rest my case


“A Supercurse User will explode if more than half their body is submerged in seawater.” - AA Wiki

The Promethean Fire curse that was once carried by Morock is now basically submerged and so far under the water. Fish are basically fully-aquatic animals, so they’re almost always underwater. So even if the Fish could even absorb the curse, it’d be a death sentence.

My headcannon was a child found it in a hole but instead of touching it he pissed in the hole and submerged it with his piss thus destroying the curse

I rest my case


That’s a lot more realistic, thank you.

the only reason why curse users cant be in seawater is because of the large amount of magic energy that was in the sea due to Durza’s attack.

however, that magic energy is CANONICALLY gone in World of Magic, so it is possible that a fish took it sometime after the magic energy settled.

is fishing for the sunken sword

You caught the Promethean Fire Fish!

“What the-”
The entirety of ironport is incinerated


And then it says in the chat “your username just killed dozens of people! Be sure to congratulate him!”

Shit, this is a court case now??

imagine you are fishing and u catch something called:legendary promethean fire fish

if it’s been over a thousand years and nobody knows where it is
maybe someone far far away got it or it really is lost forever

Nah fam, all I gotta do is the tab glitch to go to the moon.

The peacekeeper had to learn a very special technique in order to destroy the curses therefore, some piss wouldn’t have ended the Promethean Fire Curse.