I have been a fan of AO since the beginning. I loved the unique story, unique graphics, unique world building, and unique combat building and fell into the vision of being able to be whatever you want in a big and diverse world.
However multiple big problems with development ruined the game and ultimately made me stop playing the game a few months ago.
Every update after the dark sea update ( the best update) has been lackluster. The reason why is because he never adds stuff that appeals to what the vision of the game he gave to us. It feels like its a case of quality over quanity as he adds constant stuff like tanning , and heat radiation. While also making half baked features like clan building but like WHAT IS THE POINT OF CLAN BUILDING IF CLANS ARE NOT EVEN COMPETETIVE / THERES NO REASON TO INVADE OTHER CLAN BUILDINGS??? AND WHY DID HE NERF CLAN INFAMY GAIN FROM PVP AND JUST MAKE IT AFK SIMULTOR FOR IMFAMY These type of constant faults make these stuff just feel soulless as they always come buggy and dont really have much intent to the game.
That combined with the fact that again he does not appeal to most of his playerbase / the vision he literarly was giving us when he was releasing the game.
Vetex gave us a vision of everyone being able to become whatever class we want to be and yeah just be whoever we want to be. However he dont even balance the game and says stuff how he dont owe pvp players anything How he hates the pvp portion of the community and yeah just neglecting that.
Then for the amazing story and world building. He dont even updates the story so whats the point.
And theres really no big form of replayability other then pvp which he LITERARLY STATED in his pvp rant saying how “I would remove pvp entirely if it wouldnt kill the game” and yes there is stuff like dark sea and treasure charts and this and that but again they all give the same rewards and eventually get repetetive after you do them a few times.
Vetex dont even add simple qol features that would just improve the game so much like for example adding a filter to items that deckhands like in the deckhand gifting and tons of other little things .
All that stuff combined with the fact that every update the game gets mroe laggier, buggier, and then the bug that actually RUIN our enjoyment of the game dont even gets fixed for months of months actually ruins the game.
Anyways im really not trying to hate on vetex as in the end of the day i like this game its a uinque experience and gave me so much memories. Its just the fact that this game had so much potential and its just is being squandered that is really upsetting to me and is why i dont play this game anymore. I hope vetex is more transparent with the community and balance team and testers and really tries to help improve the game.
Its just that right now with the direction vetex is going right now i dont see the game being sustainable and something needs to change. He needs to listen to community feedback more. Focus on QUALITY over QUANTITY. Focus on stuff that we will enjoy like new spells, and moves, more story , less bugs, just a more smooth experience.
And if this games improve i will come back. Thank you for reading and sorry if i had bad grammer