saying that the net was the first one, my idea is that Vit weapons are unconventional
Farming scythe
Why these, well scythes are normally farming items. my idea is that they would be adjusted to conjure the wind to do ranged attacks. sickles are like mini scythes so you would use 2 of then which are a lot like daggers which could maybe be focused on close AoE and maybe the speed of light and lightling. Whips would be a longer range option as they are weapons but don’t hurt as much as a literal blade. it would be good for range with a little AoE and possibly related to the flowing movement of water.
too similar to weapons tbh
scythes existed in AA already not sure why they didn’t come back
i’d prefer spirit to be something unique i don’t have many ideas but i remember seeing someone mention terraria summoner class and i thought that sounds cool
ok but we’re still using tools rather similar to how weapon users use them
i know this sounds kind of flawed but let me try put it this way
A magic user will use magic circles to create attacks
A fighting style user will use their body (arms or legs or both) to attack
A weapon user will use their tools to attack
The concept here seems a little too similar in my opinion. To be fair it is called spirit weapons which makes me wonder how different would people think of concepts if it was just called spirit instead of spirit weapons
im leaning more towards my scythe idea where you arnt physically attacking but using non combat tools to control elements or stuff like that (where i had said like scythe using the wind to attack)
This would make more sense if it meant like spirit connected to the world itself