My journey to the end of World of Magic

1st interesting bug.
Your character animations become decently shaky while moving until you stop for about 10 seconds.

as much as possible
until i crash or disconnect


dark sea? huge carnivorous sea creatures?

yeah fuck no.

I wonder what the inworld explanation is. I wonder how the character would feel. Someone should write about this.

She looks tired lmao

i like how this squid is just liek

“u good bro”


about 79k meters in the shaking has become much more intense and common
i dont know if the gif shows it well tho

open the link for better viewing

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a) How did you manage to get those sea creatures to spawn?
b) You know how the visuals break after a certain high? Like everything becomes basic triangles? Could we theoretically do that here, but with the x axis instead of the y axis?

That shaky thing happens in all roblox games.
When you get too far from the main area, your character breaks.

max graphics i think is the one that causes that

That is why I started this journey. I wanna see what kind of shit happens when I go too far away from the world’s origin that is special to WOM. I also wanna see how broken it gets.

my path travelled is so fucked LMAO


“Oh I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more”


the legs are fucked

heres the actual link so its more high quality


She’s shivering or shacking, what’s causing it, we don’t know

no shes jsut been overusing her watercurse flight spell

higher quality link

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Now go to the far FAR end

holy fucking shit the glitches that are happening to my wom character are so fucking creepy i feel like they should happen to high level insanity characters


Probably because your going to far and roblox can’t render your position :niceman:
More you go out your character glitches more until you can’t move your camera up or down

incorrect shes just getting max insanity

ok imma use max agility so i can get like 2x speed
