My journey to the end of World of Magic

I am now currently 23,000 meters away from silent tower.

Notable changes I found before this post happened:

  1. The sea gets darker around the northern sea.
  2. The ocean limit that came with arcane adventures is still here in WOM. It’s just that the sand seems to keep going.

There is a shark pog.
4. The colossal squid animations are cursed.

My goal: Reach as far as possible to the point where I completely fuck the game over.


im starting to think night northern fish were supposed to murder you


that squid gives me ptsd

i almost caught it on day 1 of fishing update but my puddle despawned so i lost it

Charrlotte Salore: The brave explorer of the beyond.

the Exploration category has been squeezed dry off of new things that we resort to posts like this

shark pog real?

Note 1. It seems that my fps gets slowly lower the deeper I get however I am unable to confirm that as it could be natural lag

At around 30k-34k when facing the waypoints I placed they disappear.


At 38488 meters away from the silent tower, I have reached the end of the sand phase. We are now in the void.

I am so far away that even max graphics doesn’t load the map

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My first step into the void


such an exciting tale

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Tell me, how does it feel?

thrilling is the best word to use

this journey is on par with the Apollo landings

I name this: The Grand Line of 50k Meters




When you get out that far are you able to fish, or does the invisible water stop you?
(Asking because i’d like to be able to fish northern fish without needing help or using magic lol)

The invisible water still stops me from being able to fish

Dang it

how far are you going to go