My knowledge of Magic Circles:

In order to cast magic circles you must have a certain amount of spirit energy. You can gain and loss spirit energy during your life so at some points you may lose this ability or gain it. (This does not mean you use spirit energy to use magic, however that works).

Once you have the ability to cast magic you’ll always have a constant tingling feeling in your body (I don’t know if this gets annoying or uncomfortable or if it’s still canon).

You then create magic circles by visualizing it or something. Wish we had more info on this.

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It doesn’t mention losing spirit energy but you can gain it.
Think of spirit energy as a stool for magic. You don’t consume the stool, it’s simply a platform that lets you reach the shelf of magic.
I dont think there’s a constant tingle? There’s probably a sensation when you use magic but not a constant feeling.
Magic circles carry out the users intent. So for example a mage is thinking “strike this person,” the circle makes the magic a physical element to do so.

So think it into existence?

So how does magic knowledge play a role here? Like if I were in the universe and was learning pulsar couldn’t I just think of that? Why would I need a scroll to teach me to think and imagine?

Note that the power can be passed down genetically. There is also a physical aspect of having magic, including skill. I wouldn’t say its just thinking, but training on connecting your thoughts and forming them with the circle. I’d say its a kind of muscle memory that adds on with time and training, which is why some can learn more magics with awakenings. The scrolls would tell you what to think and how to form their type.

So it’s kinda like how Sorcerers in dnd use charisma to cast spells because it’s a measurement of their ability to form out their thoughts.

I think so yeah!

Another way to think of it is like actions in real life. I can picture myself easily doing a backflip but if I tried to do it without any practice I would break my spine. Or in the case of drawing, I can see in my mind’s eye what I want to draw but when I try to create that image it looks like trash :frcryin:

So magic is probably similar, just cause you have the intent to perform a pulsar spell, without any practice or knowledge it just wouldn’t really work