My last topic today , what is the lost or ancient magic your want? ,

is sun the mutation that he beats prom with?

Sun’s his second mind, in the comic his third fire mind mutated into Arcturus

In canon I’m pretty sure he just expended all his energy to defeat Prometheus

yeah I thought he used arcturus according to webcomic, so @Derp whyd you mention sun?

For unlocking ur second mind in AA/AR you need to spar against theos at 10% power, he uses sun mostly in that fight I think

oh nvm then

A lot of people are saying electron, but I don’t really feel like it fits in a fantasy game. What’s next, muon neutrino magic? Boson magic with W and Z variations?

The fight

sadly you can only have on or the other with any build

I 100% want promethean fire, it looks so cool and maybe phoenix or storm

He is using sun, phoenix and mutated fire

That got removed from the list before vetex made the entire list private so it’s safe to say that promethean flame won’t show up again

death magic or equinox magic

Yeah out of all the patterns I see sun the most

Prom fire has been sent to the shadow realm with mud

Gravity + Pressure only to annoy people by making them move at snail speed with debuffs

Phoenix and inferno tbh

You could also do that with mud… oh wait.

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banking on either shatter, equinox, and apoc bringer

i would pick a magic that has very great effects and anything that does a lot of damage. or a super effect magic combo like darkness and death or flare and scorch. but i hear gravity is also good, but idk bc lost and ancient magics are like 2 years away. sacrifice might be a good magic to pick for ancient. sounds like it can drain the target but in exchange it might do smth to my health.
