My name is Wilford Shield

I mainly main suggestions and primarily play PvE, only having been involved in war once or twice.
Though, when I do hunt people I usually reveal my intentions early and give them a chance to decline.

And with a chance I mean an extended window of time.

I do participate in organizing things relating to PvP though, such as tournaments.
Like Testament of Othrys .

I am the Head Founder of Wildcards, a clan which really is just my pride and joy in this game.

I’m fine with repairing your ship, be it friend or foe it doesn’t matter if you don’t attack.
Unless I’m out of money. And I usually am not.
I’ll either repair it or offer you insurance if you’re by a shipwright.
With insurance I mean I’ll cover all the repair costs.

I make all of my money from sealed chests for the most part. By this time and date? 59.5k.

Also, anyone who doesn’t repair their ship no matter what… yer a disappointing captain, a barrage away from being lost at sea with only the loneliness and deadliness of the depths left as your last resort.
Hope you have a water breathing potion.

Also, if you don’t speak when coming in for a Fortified you really shouldn’t have gotten…
It’s a way to skip through the process, I know. And you might want to… but I’ll most likely kill you.
Stealing isn’t really a noble act, now is it? On that note, neither is murder… but I digress.

Most of my galleons are made from sealed chests either way. Not the loot inside, just what galleons I get from em’. I’m not likely to trade if you ask me.
Unless I’m too lazy to cook. Anyone with Perfect cooking skill I’ll likely pay to deliver me somethin’. IF I CAN BE TOO LAZY TO COOK IRL I CAN BE INGAME TOO, OKAY?!

I trust everyone up to the point I’m betrayed. Unless you’re Bolton, my rival.
Go fuck yourself, Bolton.
You owe me 5 galleons and a legendary chart you bitch.

My clan is a fractured mess, but I’m to uphold it.

I do like to dabble in memes every once in a while. Mostly posting my own, not copying others’ work.
As that might be categorized under plagiarism.

Here’s a bunch of drawings of Wilford Shield, courtesy of my own.

And of course, here be me ship.
The heart of the cards.


That being said, that is my introduction concluded.

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Is your card the two of diamonds?

The “Wildcards” name came generally because 1. It’s my clan, and 2. The unpredictability of each member.
It’s also in our clan description!

Welcome to the forums :clap:


but thank ye nonetheless.

Oh ok then. Pay me all your galleons or draw 25

Proceeds to draw 25 draw 4 wildcards and play them all in a row

now we call that


also draw 100 dumbass



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man i thought i was gonna die there from laughter ngl

Free infamy + renown found, calling in the bad boys…


so much for some altruism, right?

1, Hello, and welcome to the forum!
2, finally a friendly person
3, i dont repair my ships, i always have water breathing potions, and i get durability by salvaging cargo and killing ships
4, have a nice day!

Whats yer sunk ship count?

Aye, I’ll hand ye it.

Aight, finally a reason to go 10k ships sunk (Def gonna drop after 2k)