my post where i corrupt artworks appears to have been removed, i just want to know if this is a glitch or did i do something wrong? i did credit each of the artists…
i havent been notified/messaged about this so im guessing this is some kind of glitch
I’m quite certain that first one was pornography
if so they would have just removed that image instead of the entire post, unless the entire post was also breaking a rule?
i doubt the mods did this its probably just a glitch
image contained cropped pornography
rule 6
General Rule 6
6. Do not post NSFW content of any kind. Intentionality matters, meaning anything that is borderline or debatably NSFW will be considered unintentional. If you are unsure whether or not something is safe to post, contact a staff member. On the other hand, any post that is blatantly NSFW will be considered intentional and yield a harsher punishment. Look back at the Broken Rules Matrix for the difference in punishments.
6.1. Use an appropriate profile picture that is safe for w…