My takes on the new lore

Just personal opinions:

Prometheus giving fire AND then magic feels kinda redundant.

The unknown entity is no doubt a Titan, maybe Kronos.
(I read about someone saying that it could possibly be Uranus, but I think it’s improbable, since him and Gaia are represented by Chaos and Creation)

I thought about it like this:
The gods rule over humans with the use of magic and spirit energy, but they gave that to their most loyal followers.
So Magic is mainly what allows gods to rule over humans.

Then there are the titans, a group hostile to the gods, since they were defeated and imprisoned by them in Tartarus (can’t help but think of the pit in Makrinaos).

Who would benefit if humans gained the use of magic, fought the gods and both groups got weakened?
The titans obv.
There is also the fact that Prometheus is a titan and his role as the supreme trickster, so what if he decided to screw both sides by giving humans the full power of magic.

The description of aura given is a bit lacking imo.
They can manipulate magic, but not really, just traces, ecc ecc.

Like, what?

Just give them only emission of magic energy and reserve manipulation for mages.

(Just my personal opinion from an idea I had earlier:
like a brush can only “emit” ink and it’s the ability of a person to shape his calligraphy, weapon/FS users would use their weapons/body as brushes for magic energy, to achieve different effects)


How can weapon users even achieve them superhuman feats like teleporting and creating pressure blasts with just a stick and trace amounts of magic is the real question

Is Averill discovering the earth is round thing recent? Don’t remember it in the lore docs originally

who are you agin

its been there since around ao’s initial reveal

I don’t think so, it works better for his motivation when he gets free. Plus makes things make a little more sense as to how humanity had developed the same until Prometheus gave them magic around 100 AD.

It’s not like its uber complicated, they’re essentially just pulling magic energy in the air alongside their attacks to extend reach and power. Compared to turning that energy into things like fire, acid, water, ash, etc its pretty simple and not all that unbelievable that it would be the furthest extent a regular person in this verse could accomplish.

1: Humanity probably had fire long before Prometheus gave out magic in this universe.

2: Chaos was a thing in actual Greek Mythology, it was the original being. It created Gaia, Tarturus and probably some other stuff. I don’t think Creation was a primordial being in Greek mythology although I might be wrong. Point is, I don’t know if I agree that Chaos and Creation are this game’s version of Gaia and Uranus.

Please just call him Ouranos

Ignore the other guy uranus is perfectly fine

its not, older