Aurora Borealis
“ but uhmmmm, everyone knows THAT one Swansong. how simple! heh, personally, I-” DON’T GIVE A FUCK
it’s pretty, it’s cool, it’s pretty, it’s magical, and did i mention it’s pretty?
ily aurora borealis and your hard to pronounce name because it made me look cool in elementary when i could pronounce it.
now i have to settle with pronouncing pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis instead
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Aurora borealis is overrated. Good, but overrated
Try Aurora polaris instead, it needs the attention
it’s literally the same thing
Cooler name though
(to be honest I did not know that, I guess polaris is the general term and borealis is just for north)
I like solar eclipses and rainbows.
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Rainbow clouds/cloud iridescence are very pretty.
I really like the gay clouds
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you should check out freezing fog (not the er dragon) then
yeah, probably why they’re mostly found in cirrus type clouds and altocumulus
weird looking cloubs
That is a flying Rock. Rocks aren’t stars. I will remember this transgression.
“this galaxy ain’t big enough for the two of us, pardner…”
I’m challengin’ ya to a duel. I better be seein’ you out ther’! Wearin’ iron!
I’d like to bleed out in a cold one
isnt this literally the ending to John Wick 1