Name y'alls favourite atmospheric phenomena

personally lightning sprites are my favourite just because of how underrated, yet genuinely eldritch horror-esque they are

hundred kilometer long jellyfish looking things made from plasma, that could engulf entire cities

yet they’re just chill guys and only appear for a split second, like a dubious creature piercing the veils of the universe to mog us


me and the squad going to Dairy Queen

thx for listening to my specshul interest rant :nerd_face: :point_up:


that one time in the philippines where a volcano erupted and it had lightning

that was me

pyroclastic lightning :point_up: :nerd_face:

there has been cases of modern passenger planes being engulfed in Saint Elmo’s fire, another plasma phenomena, after flying through a volcanic discharge cloud

pyroclastic lightning can also occur due to wildfire smog, it was talked a lot about last year in Canada during the big outbreaks, as it was part of the wildfire weather system that allowed it to continuously fuel itself

Ash + Lightning mage synergy :lightning_magic_var1: :ash_magic:


if only we could imbue magic into magic… and also imbue fighting style into magic… and magic into vitality… and fighting style into vitality…

Savant if it was epic

mage, paladin, warlock, juggernaut if they were epic…

also if you’re remotely interested in technical breakdowns of historical air accidents this channel is peak binge watching

winter storms

i adore cold weather

It’s a bit more simple but I like ball lightning because it’s something I’ve actually seen in person

actually there’s also aurora borealis, those are really cool


Ball lightning

Sun showers

That also looks insanely cool, but the cause itself is quite dangerous for planes. There’s been an incident covered on it, British Airways flight 009

aurora borealis?

Oh my gosh oh my gosh this topic was made for me sit down and get your popcorn
Ill try not to yap too much
GRAAHHH I LOVE SOLAR HALOS theyre caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere spreading out the light
I could go on and on about rainbows… and I already have… Talk about something that you like - #64 by SkyRocket

Cloud iridescence, still need to learn more about them, but from what I see they’re also caused by small droplets/crystals, even smaller than the ones that cause halos.

Now this one is more obscure and simple, but I still love it for some reason. Wind shears (changes in wind movement) can move clouds in different directions depending on what layer of the atmosphere they’re in. I’ve only caught it once, this video shows it pretty well


I like fog.

There’s just something so… strange about it, quiet and dreamlike, as if reality shrinks a little into a tiny bubble, the size of as far as you can see into the haze.

Dense fog advisory in effect

By extension I guess I also like snow for this same reason.

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saint elmo’s fire just looks dope as hell tbh


Fog really adds to the experience of quite a lot of things. So long as visibility isn’t important, fog usually makes an improvement.