there has been cases of modern passenger planes being engulfed in Saint Elmo’s fire, another plasma phenomena, after flying through a volcanic discharge cloud
pyroclastic lightning can also occur due to wildfire smog, it was talked a lot about last year in Canada during the big outbreaks, as it was part of the wildfire weather system that allowed it to continuously fuel itself
Oh my gosh oh my gosh this topic was made for me sit down and get your popcorn
Ill try not to yap too much
GRAAHHH I LOVE SOLAR HALOS theyre caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere spreading out the light
Cloud iridescence, still need to learn more about them, but from what I see they’re also caused by small droplets/crystals, even smaller than the ones that cause halos.
Now this one is more obscure and simple, but I still love it for some reason. Wind shears (changes in wind movement) can move clouds in different directions depending on what layer of the atmosphere they’re in. I’ve only caught it once, this video shows it pretty well
There’s just something so… strange about it, quiet and dreamlike, as if reality shrinks a little into a tiny bubble, the size of as far as you can see into the haze.
By extension I guess I also like snow for this same reason.