
just look at the sun

if vetex adds the sun to rise in the east sure

oh yeah the winky dink compass I take it all back please update the compass

it rises and sets even in wom

How would you pdate a compass???
do you need it to be bigger or something?

oh yeah I know it rises but im not sure if vetex or any other game would actually put time and effort into making the sun rise east and set west if vetex did it good job I guess

it rises north and sets south psure

just make it look more like a compass and not a black circle with a a red and white arrows like wait ima go find a goodish picture

man the hell yall spouting

bro that’s how a compass looks like in like every game ever :skull:
sure it oculd be bigger but how else would you improve it like what

just hopped in a game that was rising, it looks like it’s in the east to me

i meant in ao

bigger bad I just mean like a sea of thieves compass

like you have it in your tool bar and stuff. not worth while honestly and we’ll learn the map deepwoken style but having a amour or something like it to see where you are on the map is just lame

You know if Vetex removed the player dot then he should at least add a North/South/East/West indicator in the bottom right corner of the new map UI like how Windwaker on the Wii U did

also fuck the compass for the gremor race I fucking hate that compass so many times ive been lost not once has it helped. like they could’ve just made it be like a compass in an army simulator with the numbers on top of the screen

actually have the compass on the bottom of the map like not the written up is north but like an actual compass on the map UI (UI? eh whatever the map screen)

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