
What if they had an item you can equip for an armor slot that lets you see where you are on the map.
It’d sacrifice stats and practicality, but it’d help out for the more casual people, similar to the Wayward Compass from Hollow Knight.
Once you’re more experienced, you won’t need it anymore anyways


Honestly I love this idea because then casual and experienced players can get a good compromise this way.

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reminds me of how the maps on the AR wiki are all oriented differently. Maybe like 2 of them were oriented north and it was awful reading them

Honestly I doubt we’d even need a player marker at all. considering the entire map is made up of large notable landmarks to orient yourself with along with your compass. No real need to implement a noob trap.


There’s someone I know who has one of the worst navigation skills ever, and it drives me insane.
Bro played Deepwoken with us, and was supposed to go to Minitrysa from Vigils right??? He ended up at Monkey’s Paw, all the way across the map :frcryin:
We brought him to Lower Erisia, and he ran around in a circle for an hour trying to find the shore

It’s not really a needed thing to have a compass and stuff, which is why it has a drawback, and there’s always that one person who keeps getting lost, y’know?


LOL how the hell did bro do that :skull:

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I think maybe as a tool slot it would be fine

i think tool slots were removed

dont think so, it mightve but you can just put them in the hotbar.

never played deepwoken but from videos the map looks confusing. ao is much easier to navigate due to its tiny islands (which are unique enough so that you can easily match up the name to the appearance) and the distance between each island, allowing you to pick out which island is which.
for example, the forest of cernunno is a large forest with fog. if u see fog, its probably that.
very easy to navigate if you can use visual cues.

the map is so fucking confusing when you start, theres no maps apart from player made ones, which are outdated thanks to the verse 2 map changes

theres walls and speed boosts everywhere and controlling boats can be hard, the entire ocean looks the same, and you dont actually know where you’re at until you get there.

when you do finally reach an island, it will take forever to go somewhere else because you cant reach the speed boosts until you go into specific paths and everything is far apart


We gave him a map that was completely labeled, and then gave him arrows and told him how to get where
It didnt work
We had to get into vc and watch him stream his game to us, and he managed to get us confused too :frcryin:

map as in not a written map, but the in game map
psure deepwoken is like always covered with fog and everything looks the same
i can get why it would be hard if thats the case

I don’t really think we need that, perhaps if an npc mentions something like the location of an island, the map shows an arrow at the edge of explored territory pointing you to the location.

I just hope the map has a compass rose so it’s more idiot proof

it’s not always covered in fog, sometimes you can see pretty damn far ahead, but other times you can’t see 2 meters in front of you lol

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Having low graphics:

problem whats to stop me from just unequipping it when I get to my destination

a slight inconvenience

honestly I say if your gonna make something that adds where you are add a compass tool or something like it

actually just add a compass so I know which way is north and south I get that the map probably has it drawn onto it so know it for the map but forward doesnt = to north so yeah just a normal compass would be great

the compass wasn’t ever removed