Nearby NPCs should be aggravated if a nearby 'affiliated' NPC is aggravated

Nearby NPCs should be aggravated if a nearby 'affiliated' NPC is aggravated
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

If a NPC is aggravted, and nearby NPC’s within the line of sight of the NPC triggered should be aggravated. For example if you attack a NPC on a boat, then "NPC’s which could see the NPC being triggered should be aggravated aswell.’

(A video showcase of how nearby NPC’s will not be aggravted if you attack one of them while you are not within their line of sight.)

This is a very simple suggestion, I may update this if I feel there is something I could add.


yeahhh but do you NEED to make the game harder bro?

iirc this was actually a behavior that npcs had in world of magic, it must’ve been cut out inadvertently along with all the dynamic npc functions

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We don’t really NEED this, unless of course we had a situation like how the magic council could fight Minotaur if you lead him into town.

But it is REALLY jarring when you’re at the forest of masts and you need to lure the enemies into hitting Iris before she fights them.

Also, since this is on a “Suggestions” post, I’ll mention that I applied for posting suggestions, got borderline ignored, and can no longer apply to post suggestions.

Yet you still can have your rival friendly fire onto a stationary marine and let them battle it out

Was it though?

I think this happens to a lot of people unfortunately

Yeah, I got that vibe…

you can see this happening with bandit camps, you hit one of them and they all come running at you

“what’s that loud ahh sound behind me? eh, probably nothing”

Would be really nice (line of sight especially)

I think this works with Iris at Forest of Masts nowadays, not sure about other NPCs.

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