Need Help Figuring Out the Stat Scaling on Miniboss Equipments

Ok so, I’ve recently been trying to find if miniboss equipment scales (heroes and villains)
Disregarding the warrior sets, as their amulets are hidden, I’m mainly focusing on hp.
Assuming the equip is base stat (level 50) that means the iron set provides 90 (as minibosses always use wizard hats) and the defense amulet provides 66 (base stat at lv 50)
HP scales by 6 per level after lv 1, with 100 bonus base hp.
That leaves us with the equation
66 + 90 + ((6*level) + 100 - 6)
if the miniboss is a wizard set, then the 90 will be changed to 0. if it uses a power amulet, then the 66 will also be zero. Problem is, this has constantly been off by a small number every attempt.
Either the formula is wrong or something else is.
Here’s a few examples. For the first one, the npc has a wizard set with a defense amulet, totaling to 615 hp. But plugging in the calculations I got 634.

This second one was calculated as 644. 29 off.

This one was off 15.

And this one by 25.

I think you get the point by now. If anyone knows what’s going on please tell me. Is the equip just randomized? Are amulets scaled but is armor not? I have no clue.

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im pretty sure they also have enchanted equipment, so they may have a hard enchant or 2 snuck in there

might have to dive very deep into the trello to confirm that though

Hm, that would make up for the discrepancy. So far out of all my photos though only once has the calculation actually worked. Plus, that would mean there’s at least one hard enchanted piece within all of the minibosses, which is rather unlikely. So I assume there’s something else.

the armor could also be at different levels.

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