Need help with my build

My class is a warrior

This are the two builds I made, the reason as to why they are the way they are is because It’s mostly items I have.

lets see…
if you have an arcsphere, i’d switch that out with the agi amulet(i don’t think you need that much agi when weapons go zooming around)
since you have the sunken boots i’d try using the varicsite-ed pauldrons(i forgot which ones they are but it’s that one up there)
yes more attack speed.
insanity one is very playable, as you’ve prolly noticed since equal warding and ins don’t cancel out anymore, so armored scroll it is.
try atlantean-ed sunken boots, more power. ppl r selling the essence for 20k galleons only

note: i am a shadow mage main
have fun~

I know weapons are fast but SPEEED

Ty btw I didn’t know ward doesn’t cancel

u can try the silver caped pauldrons, they give agi and atkspd… make sure it’s modified to get the best out of it.
one higher ward will cancel out ins, also ins 2 is okay-playable.
ins 3 is… well… for no brain size attacks

I prefer no insanity to be honest with you and I did use silver caped as you can see there are two imgs one with more size and one with more atkspd

a… im blind xd
maybe the first build, with modified silver caped pauldrons and a very special arcsphere(grind like hell) instead of the amulet and other pauldron.
not sure what gem’s youd want to use but maybe calendaria for both.
yes keep the hasty, maybe the agile too, or switch out with armored, cuz it’s looking quite flimsy with only 300+ hp
insanityyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaa

you need WAY more defence, I can basically kill you in one damage trade, an ice sailor can prob one grab combo you

the thing is I know this build is fucked but I’m not looking for perfection I’m looking for a temporary solution

looking pretty good, just get rid of some of the attack size, invest more in attack speed, and tone down on the agility
also I could suggest a build for you if you want

Sure but no speed will be reduced 200 is the minimum

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