ah, purist, sounds so funny if it randomly procs and oneshots something
weakspot + purist activation is nearly fatal ngl
me on my way to minmax random damage on a weapon the moment I get into nK to essentially gamble my way through the game:
Really cheap and fun to game for a game who’s been in development for 5 years, I’d say it’s worth the money
and your THOUGHTS on the actual gameplay?
its fun but im malding because i lost
any deeper insights?
its a game
the gameplay is fun ig, had some bit of issue but it fine overall
its a game on the roblox platform
plays more like dungeon quest where you spam whatever you had before entering than an actually randomized dungeon thing
except that unlike that game the combat is pretty nice. you got 3 slots for guns which there are 4 types of (i have no clue whats the point of shotguns), up to 3 slots for “gear” like a sword that replaces your melee kick or grenades (which i also dont know why they exist)
enemies have weak points and something protected areas. all hitboxes are telegraphed with a big red square before they hit, and the color visibly indicates who that hitbox can hit (players and/or enemies)
you constantly find new weapons on a run and you get to keep them permanently if you manage to reach the end of the region, which is nice. you can also buy those weapons with credits in lootboxes that are way too satisfying for obvious reasons. they often have modifiers with them, which are pretty varied and nice. i dont really get the point of forging weapons to give them more modifiers or raise their level, cuz its very expensive and you always get new better weapons anyway
so anyway, i think the game is really nice. im not willing to go braindead grind mode in it tho, cuz runs are barely different from eachother and i dont want to get too far ahead of perf plus its really not the best time to get addicted to a game when these are my last 3 weeks of the semester. however, customisation is lacking and insanely expensive, and music is almost inexistent. its also really weird how the only drawback of doing “very easy” runs is that you get less exp, yet you get the same loot and enemies are way weaker.
oh and also theres a nice loot sharing system, so you can decide that for one run every new item has a predetermined owner and you dont have to manually split the loot
the point of the forging things onto a weapon is if you severely like a weapon or smth.
also to be fair the game just released into paid access, these things are probably being fixed
Since I know basically nothing about this game, I’m just gonna wait until it’s free.
wait a fuckin min
what is that + in legendary+ referring to? is weapon # 999 some supershit?
most likely something higher since someone said they got an “alpha” rarity weapon
i havent seen one yet but they said you could get them in weapon vending machines while youre doing a run
hoh boy, that sounds like something absurd to grind for
nevermind this gun is shit im sending it to the incinerator
ah, the wonders of shit always having a use