Nerf dense

If you have seen people using dense items as any weapon / weapon hybrid build that increases a weapon’s aoe you can see that the AoE some of these attacks (specifically fury of the sea) cover at least 50% of the arena.

Nerf the AOE of every class in general and I’d agree with this post

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dense is getting a nerf to its start up i think?
but increased projectile speed

buff dense to normal size after nerfing everything else?
honestly i see no issues

are you talking about ardent enchant?
Because from what i’ve seen from the document Dense is getting a nerf and a buff, it will decrease attack speed further in exchange for even more AOE.

Its over what now

oh wait i read the entire post wrong lol, i thought it was talking about defense.

Bro i just want my Christmas break already!

same bro

current dense nerf combined with atk speed nerfs is going to create a whole new meta once nimbus drops; I suspect that aoe demons will be back at it again (warlocks and mages)

Don’t forget the reflex nerfs

Since i have a Ileg Warlord with 200+ attack size, i’ll suppose my Warlord will throw out even bigger nuclear bombs.

savant already has tiny size and you literally need 80 size to actually see increase in ANY build. less size is not the answer bro