Never have I thought we would get an Arcane one piece game

Does this count as an arcane game? :skull:

i guess

This One Piece truly is hidden in these Arcane Seas.

Honestly I regret making this thread, tf they call it passion project for? :sob: It’s worse than those bandit beater, they literally did exactly the same as all those games do but stole assets while at it.

one piece golden age better :fire::fire::fire:

This game so bad
It put me on the character customization menu 4 times before it’d let me play the game.
It told me I’d get Earth Magic, then it gave me Wind Magic, but it was labelled “Flame Magic”
Now I’m just beating bandits.

the game gave me badges i’m ending it all

Oh, it’s one of those games

At this point, I’ve learned that you can get a pretty good idea of a game’s quality by looking at its gamepasses.

You notice some trends pretty quickly.

The moment I see “2x” anything is the moment I click off

I just joined and I cant interact with anything in the character customization menu LMAO

“A passion project.”
Looks inside
0 Passion

They’re passionate about m o n e y :money_mouth_face: :crab:


the only one piece game im looking forwards to is Rell Seas

Chat, this is crazy