Neviro Fan Art


Anyways, here’s the art. Freshly upgraded like a tycoon on roblox.


He doesn’t deserve something this nice, that stupid fodder
All he ever did was snitch on Order members and got clapped by Calvus

Yknow neviro is the definition of an edgy loner character, but without the op abilities so nobody really cares.
Country genocided
Family ignored him
Repeatedly ignores and tells the main cast to go away
Tries to fix the country that wronged him because under his bad boy exterior is a soft heart
Wants to marry prince revon

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True, if anything—Neviro is the most interesting character because he’s the most Average guy in the gang despite his Magical Allies are privilege so does his enemies. Like, it’s giving “You don’t need to be something extraordinary just to be seen strong.” to his character.

All we need is the ‘seen strong’ part of him to kick in :sob: and also delicious art I ate it all

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albino guy

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You are lying to yourself if you think revon and neviro aren’t gay,

It’s canon, it’s in the lore

Revon ran away so he could get some of that Winterville weiner

Quotable detected


me when the lost heir:

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After seeing the bodies of his people penetrated and impaled, Neviro decided it was time he penetrated and impaled the Ravenna royalty back.

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If you can make such jokes so can I

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Omg this is so damn good :blush:


Whatever I just read in the replies aside, love the art! You really capture that “lost wayfarer” aspect of his character; Shrouded in an identity lost, surrounded by a legacy he can’t live up to. Winterveil is going to follow him even when his business in Ravenna is done. If it ever is.

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Rendering on the cloak :ok_hand:

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Wants to marry who-

Name an edgy character that doesn’t want to marry revon