New Admin

This person is being given admin for their valued help on the forum as well as their want to make everything run smoothly. I think most people already consider him very valuable and respect his opinion. Let’s give a congratulatory to @Artanaris for being forum mod :fire::fire:


Pog moment :confetti_ball::partying_face::tada:

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AYE! Congrats to art! :pray:

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The NightDemonLight is REAL!

@Artanaris I’m sorry for your loss man, congrats :coffin: :tada:


Congrats @Artanaris

He wasn’t already? Huh.


welcome to the club!
that im not a part of


been a long time coming :clap:

wasn’t artanaris already a mod to begin with-

Huhhhhh on god i thought antartinis was already an admin :thinking:

well whatever congrats :person_shrugging: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Congraulations Art!

Moderator and Admin are very different things.

oh okay

doubt I’ll ever have to worry about that since I’ll probably never become even a moderator lmao :smiling_face_with_tear:

whats the difference between mod and admin

admin is cooler

again, who are you?
; )

No way, its this person!
Congrats on the promotion