New AO trailer

So with the Arcane odyessy gameplay trailer coming in a few days, how is everyone feeling about it? And what is your plan for AO when it drops (Example: comics videos ect)

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I already watched it but I won’t spoil anything, but they did proper justice with the leaks and how they edited it.

Cool, and ty for not spoiling it. I’m really hype for it

Will love to catch the trailer after a few more days, it’ll be a blast trying to see exactly what they put in

I’m a bit mixed on it. The gameplay clips were awesome, I think people will like them. But the editing could’ve been better. The game still looks GREAT. Literally my only issue is the editing, no hate to the trailer tho. People will think it’s great I’m sure.

i already saw it, heres my opinions:

for the story aspect, it couldve been more than just bosses (the caves and beach were fine)
some of the animations ingame could really use some work.
i still like the trailer tho, it has a lot of amazing parts

Oh man now I really want to see the trailer now, since seeing what the bosses look like sounds great. Just can’t use Patreon now, sadly. And recovery, as a spell or part of a cutscene?

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Recovery as in getting up

I’ve actually been working on and off on a writing project about it, mostly just a retelling with some little changes


please I must fucking know

at least crystal?


well theres a pirate ship that uses either snow or wind cannonballs, cant really tell


this is SAD day :sob::sob::sob:


Is there Water Magic or Sailor Fist :frcryin:

There’s a very little bit of water magic
Testers still can’t get sailors fist

with the small amount of water magic, i can say that the magic circles are fucking gorgeous at night. looks like a render

the beam effects also remind me of pokemon for some reason

Are you saying it kind of looks like ice beam or scald?

We’ll see. Hope its cool with some guilds

I want vetex to add the cat ears and cat tail accessories.

looks more like hydro pump from gen 6 but with better effects

is this something in the patreon or just annoucements in vetcord