New censored feature on the to-do-list

Pushed back to another update, apparently.

Romance the Floor

Mimhere ate Vetex

Mimhere sus lands

Arcaned odd Seas!

Could be an event
Could be a pvp feature (please stop fleshing out the pvp Vetex this is an action game)

abyssal eye event :smiling_imp:

Fucking ass event

time for whale massacre …

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no buddy accept it spirit weapons aren’t coming this year lmao

Bro is adding the depths :sob:

:moyai: :moyai: :moyai:

PvP Victims

Either something stupidly broken in fighting

Or a PvE grinding boss in dark seas

…From tears of the kingdom.

Bro I can’t tell what AO is anymore :sob:
I’ve heard people say it’s a PvP game, an exploration game, a story game, and now an action game?

I feel like vet needs to stop pushing the pvp side of things as he is now, but at the same time is there really a way to not add pvp features or things related to it? I mean a lot of people are going to grind dark sea for better gear most likely for pvp, progressing the story is going to add boss drops which can add to a pvp meta, and so much more.

I guess we should just wait and see.

AO is a horror game, because significant parts of the game are spent looking around, and trying your best to avoid dangerous beings that seek to claim your bones, or something like that.
I believe I justified that better than at least one other person justified calling AO something else.
(Setting the bar low, I know)

mimhere and stuff is my guess

Well there goes a fair lot of guesses.

i’m telling you guys, it’s gonna be edibles and anime

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