New Cyborg Fighting Style

New Cyborg Fighting Style
effort 1.705882352941176 17 quality 1.294117647058824 17 reasonability 1.210526315789474 19

please learn formatting
also thats just sailor style with an unusable seawater system

Overpowered, not really original.

Damage is more than iron leg while being as fast as boxing.

So basically sailor fists gimmick but even more costly than cannon fist?

This fighting style seems to be sailor fist but with an attack speed AND damage bonus, any meter % over 0 gives full benefit, and an absurd cost.

Might as well call this galleon fist with how stupidly op and costly it is.

blud is not even trying to hide it

Totally not subtle Franky reference aside, this is just sailor fist but more expensive

p2w fist is so real with this one :skull:

Mr. Talkalot, please consider becoming Mr. Talksalotless.


ironclads are as far as boat tech has advanced in the ao verse
now think about modern medicine

I think I’m starting to see why so few people write suggestions.

Man thinks we can implement Franky from one piece :skull:


Don’t worry bout me, I’m durable

stop cooking bro

sir this is a world of magic

The dressing is erroneous overall; failure to properly cook the chicken has resulted in a residual stench of blood and other unpleasant odors; the sauce is too thick to bring out a deep flavor; the inconsistent cuts of meat contribute to the serving’s inability to rouse one’s appetite.

Non. I have not finished.

The seasons and spices are a complete disaster, and this taste in my mouth is even worse than plaster. Lacking sugar, you tossed two and a half spoons of butter, and the end result simply belongs in the gutter.

I must ask if you aim to throng my teeth and prong my tongue-seeing as this plate’s a headstrong lens to ding-dong notions of what is food to you all along.


can you recommend me some good kinds of magic mushrooms you seem to know a lot about them

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who let him cook

A robotic fighting style could be so cool, like with FMA styled metal limbs and bodies. but it’s you who’s writing it so it made it 10x worse.

Your suggestion hurt my soul so badly that it can be utilized into a sound based magic fighting style that focuses on mental attacks.

(And it would still be better than what you just cooked, for the holy god’s acceptance please learn to make better suggestions)

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i really want a cyborg fighting style but this is just a disgrace to the peakness of what we could potentially get

seems peak to me :man_shrugging:

idk about this fighting style…
why fuel it with a juice that you can only buy on 1 island