New deckhand artifact: Rugged Glove

New deckhand artifact: Rugged Glove
effort 3.0 1 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 4.0 1

Rugged Glove


Description: “Increases the speed of which crew unloads the ship”

Effects: “+5% to unloading speed”


Rugged glove is niche artifact that affects the time it takes for you crew to unload cargo and sealed chests. It may as well increase time it takes for crew to use cargo in order to repair ship.

This will be helpful for people doing cargo-runs as it will decrease time between unloading, and can be a life-saver when you need to use cargo for ship repairment in the dark sea.

It is one of those “niche” artifacts like Frayed Lead Line ; Golden Bolt and Worn Compass, but its nice to have a freedom of choice, and it will add a new artifact to a poll of existing ones.


i would never give my deckhand that covid infected lice infested glove

“Anyway have a rusted wire I found at the bottom of an Obulus nest”

This might be useful for people that haul in so many chests everytime they head out into the Dark Sea.

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