New Feature: Post Badges

Going to try something out and see if it goes well… or not.

Post-badges were added, If you see my name right now you should see 3 badges that are shown.
You can have up to 3 badges shown at a single time.

You can add them yourself by navigating Preferences → Profile → Favorited badges

Note that you may not see the image of some of them in the list, but it will show on posts.


Pretty good plugin :+1:
Makes me look drippy now

This one’s cool

Tomorrow i’ll (hopefully) be able to add devotee to mine

Cool can’t wait to have the Famous Link badge since I would be the only non-admin/mod user to have it and I could show it off

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That’s interesting

Now I can properly see how many regulars there are to members

speaking about badges:



he fixed it or finna added it!!
We can flex even more and look cooler than regulars with devotee and explain why we don’t ever need to go outside :muscle:

This is quite neat

yeah… on second thought i’m gonna go turn that off.

Forum “flex your badges” update

This can actually be a way to visit more badges easier in the moment instead of having to go look for them. Though, I would say, a lot of the badges look alike so you would have to click on them in order to know which one.

(Ex. Basically all of the Getting Started badges, Posting badges, the hearts in the Community badges)

Something feels funny to me about showing off the fact that I flagged someones post.

And ill flag yours too

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Test again

I’m cool

damn, interesting update

not gonna use it but still interesting, wonder how this’ll go


three different heart colors :)))

Basic gang rise up

this has to be some kind of ego thing :skull:

Everyone too scared to equip basic title smh