New Forum Plugin Added

what badge is this

So does 10 reactions still count as a “nice reply”, etc?

Also Im not aware if this was already apart of the forums, but if you react to something and after a bit of time it may lock you out of unreacting.

so basically reactions are likes but react

yea it was already like that with likes

i cant react with cats
this is literally 1984

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There is also a area on your profile to see reactions.

Unsure of this

the OGs



react to something

never mind

image The notification icon is pretty cool


Oh so that’s why the site was down.

i think changing reactions fast breaks it

its possible, the longer its on the forums the more we will know about the issue it has. Did not know it had cooldowns for trust levels.

U right I wasn’t thinking :sweat_smile:

Just gotta get used to the new system ig

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its kinda bugged on mobile
if you tap the usual heart icon five times or so in a row then it says you used all your likes for the day
you can visibly still react after that by holding the button and its only for that specific post until you refresh so its not really a problem, still weird tho

how to turn off notification for reacts alone