New hard scroll use



Opening this post makes me feel what the historians must have felt trying to decipher the hieroglyphics


boutta enchant 4 eyepatches for my deckhand :fire:

i think they’re saying that unskilled players use defence

Yeah there is another meaning to this, you just have to remember the other definition of hard

No they aren’t lmao

Yeah, probably not

3 words: erectile dysfunction solution


If enchants were applicable to ones reproductive parts, I wonder how many people would apply bursting/dense down there


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Nah apply brisk or ardent

but impotent means helpless or powerless

I’ve never been more confused by a spongebob meme up until now.

Me applying armored to my body (I am now indestructible and have hard balls too)

I can handle it…

do u people not own like a dictionry or sth impotent as in unable 2 get hard (WIENER!!!)

“Metal Magic: Armoured Hard Balls!”

The virtuous scroll does the same thing but only after marriage

what about atlantean…

Impotence is basically you cannot get it up