New Inventory Filters

New Inventory Filters
effort 4.5 2 quality 5.0 2 reasonability 4.5 8

New Inventory Filters

Hello, if you have a jacked inventory full of clutter, like me, this is for you.
If you know me, I’m a collector of elemental gears, specifically arcspheres, ship parts, and soon bracelets, and I might start collecting colored boss drops too.
Sometimes when you get a new item added into your portable wardrobe, be it drip, boss drops, or random ingredients, you just can’t find it cuz of all those dull gems and level 50 accessories you have in there. So I have a proposal, for a few extra systems and buttons to our filters.

Sort By: Time Gotten/Obtained
What this does is that every time you get a new item, a “date variable” is labeled in the item’s data. Then when this option is chosen, the later or earlier you got an item, the higher in the list it shows.
Next time you fish up a level 50 sunken chestplate it’ll be at the top instead of under all those random modified stuff, arrrgh(Has personally experienced this).
Another thing, if it’s a stackable item like scrolls, the whole stack can be sorted to the top, which can help with inventory-ing our inventory.

Filter By: Fish
I think we need to bring this back, fish is not modified, crafted, enchanted, or a boss drop. And I have to look for them through scrolls l, dull gems, reagents, too much stuff.
But since the toolbox inventory already does it so…

Filter By: Sunkens
Maybe this isn’t that necessary but might as well since we’d get so many boss drops in the future it’d be insane with all the “rare” cultter.

Filter By: Don’t Filter By
So when we check a box it’s checked right? Now when we click it a second time it will be a cross instead. So it’ll be a none-checked-crossed order. Sometimes you want everything except all the modified drip.

Addition: Search Bar
I’ve only heard rumors, so I’ll put it here too. Pretty self explanatory but you’ll be able to search for specific items.

By @hanmbi

also make items have ‘tags’ to search by so that if you type ‘bracelet’ all the bracelets will appear regardless of dye and if you type ‘blue’ all items with a blue ‘dye’ will appear

And yea that’s it, I think this would be a nice QoL(quality of life) addition.
I’ll leave the “stars” for you to decide.

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pretty sure that you can just use default sort and scroll all the way down to find the newest items you’ve picked up.
The rest are pretty good tho, but I don’t think the sunken one is really necessary, since they already stick out quite well.

Can we get inventory searchbar PLEASE


Definitely need this, it would be great instead of searching through all the gems I’ve made just to find I didn’t have it, but I don’t really understand, why would you need to know what fish you have in your inventory but anyway definitely a must have and will improve the game alot.

also make items have ‘tags’ to search by so that if you type ‘bracelet’ all the bracelets will appear regardless of dye and if you type ‘blue’ all items with a blue ‘dye’ will appear

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Reasonable, I like it


Its default, with only exception of some items stacking

:sob: pls

Eeh, kinda specific



i just want a file system
like how computers do it

Hell yes. I want a inventory search bar. No more time wasted giving to deckhands or vanity items.

( read this all at once, it’s my chain of thoughts basically )
keep in mind we’re getting a auction house we need these filters, i don’t think adding these will make the game more laggy, we need these filters in the menu for when you apply an enchantment/ atlantean essence too. we also need for ship firearms ( cannons, attachments and siege weapons ) to be able to be enchanted with weapon enchantments NOT the same ones as armours as it would just make sense alright i’m not explaining myself you guys don’t like me trying to explain stuff.
due to time gotten/ obtained, it should be that by default with the newest thing at the top THAT JUST MAKES SENSE you open your inv to look at what you just GO
i’m not sure why we don’t have a search bar yet, maybe it’ll just be annoying to place in that menu and code and maybe itll lag alot.
for sunkens and items like sunkens they should have their own filter possibly although not necessary as you can just filter highest value usually to find them, we do need an NPC that will just buy your junk maybe ( to recycle it ) which will automatically filter anything useless that has stacked up in players inventories ( all those common junk with atlantean and other modifiers without including stuff like gems, reagants and all that just ) the don’t filter by will help alot but prove useless for the filter such as “sunkens” and stuff, i liked the idea though, new players would get confused, scratch all this just redo and rethink the UI of the game it’s not interesting enough we need something with good design and minimalist thought processes, i tried suggesting a minimalist one, just because i dont have or wasnt bothered to design what i meant, people don’t understand, FOOD and FISH should be in the same ICON, also lets be real this crafted filter isn’t really needed, but let’s say it is, how about we just make default sort actually good for once, from left to right for this image as follows is how default sort will be:

  1. first, it’s be newest and what you just got at the top,
  2. for the next 4 it’ll be what you just equipped last from them, for tools it’ll be all potions, all shovels, all rods and so on together and miscellaneous at the very end ( you just use these ones for upgrades or for brewing idk ) from the top it’ll be potions, then rods, shovels and other and they’ll all sort from highest rarity to lowest in each respective groups, also gilded will now UP the rarity 2x of potions and food just up to legendary and shining 1x. up for items we have jewels first then essences, then scrolls then move scrolls then reagants and stuff and then titles last or titles at the top idk, i dont like titles being some item and having a slot, we should just have them to equip in a menu like back in AS.
  3. for food we have fish first this time from common to legendary fish last and then food from legendary to common
    any suggestions and further reasoning please feel free to provide/ make this message more neat, not bothered right?
    thanks for bringing attention to this hanmbi, maybe rarities should just be a box in itself that filters from legendary to common, the dont filter by should just be a reverse sort option or something i feel like we’re too complicating stuff for new players it’ll just be overwhelming for them like it already isn’t; we need to bring a new wave of players to AO so we need alot more QoL and fun stuff that isn’t stupid to add , again thanks to hanmbi for highlighting this in the game, I DONT think these should get added, I THINK we should redo the default filter the GAME is already TOO complicated that just the UI and game is CLUTTERING your screen.
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