DELETED (doesn't matter not relevent)

DELETED (doesn't matter not relevent)
effort 1.823529411764706 17 quality 1.058823529411765 17 reasonability 1.0 19

I could have said the same thing to you

yes the suggestion is bad but the criticism started off as somewhat constructive at first
maybe be less stubborn and more open to criticism


axe slash

axe slash

It is honestly shocking how dreadedly brainless this suggestion is. Not only does this make strength slightly more akin to a zoner, which none of the routes need since all strength builds besides juggernaut (until spirit weapons) have their own blast equivalent, it has the issue that ranged weapons had of costing ammo. It just sounds like a weaker option in every way to other alternatives, and even if you tweaked the stats there is just no reason to add it. Plus it is just Cannonfist for everyone, while also being less unique than Cannonfist.

This thing costs ammo, and it has the same useless options as well as the boring straight damage options which was the exact problem with ranged weapons. Cannonfist does have the same issue but it is the entire gimmick of it, offering different options rather than only a damage upgrade like golden bullets. What is going to be unique for the javelin? A bundle of javelins that act like grapeshot?

This is just a ranged weapon without skills that will slowly scrape away the playstyle of strength builds; you could argue that this would not cause much harm as we already have ranged skills, but can you even fathom the air stall? Axe-slash/Blast/any weapon projectile, into javelin, into shot, and repeat. You would never need to touch the floor unless you wanted to dodge. Let us say it does not anchor you, now it is nearly useless as it will be harder to hit players and dodge attacks since you will predictably fall right into attacks.

Let us compare it to Cannonfist as well since it is pretty similar. Cannonfist has other skills to it that are affected by the wielded cannonball, making it slightly more unique than just a ranged m1. The m1 of Cannonfist also has a pretty meaty AoE, this allows it to land its m1 relatively easily. You know what doesn’t have a good hitbox? That’s right! Good job! It is spear throw! So why would you choose this harder to hit, probably weaker in general as good cannonballs are easy to get, and more restricting alternative to Cannonfist? A Thorkell cosplay maybe? Only logical reasoning.

The only real use of this would be extra junk to sell, because there are are just BETTER options. Let us say you are not a Berserker so you do not have Axe-Slash or Cannonfist 2nd style; your options are Juggernaut, Warlock, Conjurer, Warlord, and Savant. Juggernauts have extra hp to tank damage trades at close range AND can still pick up Cannonfist. Warlocks have blast, the quick, decent aoe attack that helps airstall, and is only not long range on slow magics (which you’re OBVIOUSLY not gonna have a long range playstyle for). Conjurers have literally anything you can imagine, a good beam options, good projectiles, good m1 projectiles, blast, and hell even double beam if you want. Warlords make the most sense to have this weapon tbf, but just use the large variety of ranged weapons disposable. Lastly but MOST DEFINITELY not least is Savant, which has anything you can imagine and more. Hell, Savants in the future will literally have anything you can imagine and MORE.

Also why do all strength builds get this? Warlords are the literal weapon class that uses strength. Just make a massive javelin as a strength weapon and give it ranged m1’s or an uber low cooldown spear throw (would be cancerous). For what reason does it need to be available to every strength build?

In conclusion, the javelin would a weaker and more restricted version of its alternatives. No build currently even needs this obviously as they all (besides one) have a blast equivalent. It costs ammo yet offers less variety than Cannonfist, and would only serve as junk to sell. And the suggestor role needs a gauntlet of trials to pass which involes the Blue Whale challenge.

P.S. The yap consumed me while writing this


bro we already cooked him, you didnt need to cremate whats left

1 Like

it has already been done

chatgpt generated

stage 5: acceptance

stage 6: defeat

anything better than your 2nd grade writing comprehension and critical thinking is automatically dismissed as chatgpt

all things considered you should kill yourself and eliminate your bloodline from the gene pool ngl

stage 1: denial

Canon fist range depends on how much intensity you have + how good you are at trigonometry in stressful situations

Savant here, I can confirm, I already have not enough hot bar slots and have to give up 1 weapon slot for the sheer number of choices I have to defeat my enemy with

While yes, my attack size is tiny but the AOE of canon fist makes up for it, hell I can even consistently land shots on calvus while standing on the ground

AND EVEN THEN it might not be as good as a bow, and if it’s massively buffed it will powercreep literally any ranged weapon


never cook again just use cannon fist

i aint readin allat



If you want to use range on a melee build, just use weapon builds

just move towards the enemy, your class is literally built to do that (also axe-slash??? hello??? berserkers literally already have 2 ranged tools)

you cooked but it tastes like obsidian