New item (Soap)

New item (Soap)
effort 2.8 5 quality 4.125 8 reasonability 4.769230769230769 13


Light magic users when theres a flat wall:

This will have my vote if I can eat it.

eat it and you will get -1000000000000000 hunger

Add Uranium for the calories necessary to refill my hunger and we got a deal.



This would be really helpful. I was out in the dark sea and the person’s brig despawned, so I died from water poisoning.

bro wth would you do if you didn’t have water poisioning???

just reset or drown i guess

No rest for the wicked.

Nice idea but unrealistic, how does a single soap bar clean your whole body?
and what if you drop it :skull:

how much of a soap bar do you go through per shower, one bar can last like 2 weeks to a month

It’s constantly raining in the Dark Sea, I think that’s enough water to wash

Dark sea shower :speaking_head:

bro that water is toxic thats the reason you’re washing urself

the soap cleans it

thats stupid

that’s soap’s job

