New item (Soap)

New item (Soap)
effort 2.8 5 quality 4.125 8 reasonability 4.769230769230769 13

Reason why

Right now removing water poisoning while being very far from your brig or if your are in a fight it is very annoying and makes you run in order to not die

How it works

When used cleans the character of dirt and also water poisoning has a 2 minute CD

How to obtain it



Pvpers’ worst nightmare



first showers, now deodorant, this game’s forcing a healthy lifestyle upon all its players


lord knows this playerbase could use some


if you throw it at an enemy it should do 999,999,999 damage (ultrakill reference funny)


this is kinda dumb but water poisoning sucks so sure i guess

Now drop your soap

I think that small cooldown will result in the bath in the brig being useless, so it could be changed to being taken from your bathtub in the brig with a one time use, and after you use it, you just take some Dark chests and head to the brig anyway, pick it up and you go back up

Jokes on you, its an actual thing

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As a water poisoining hater, I must agree

To be fair, the brig already has stuff we can get elsewhere like the cooking pot, cauldron and jewelcrafting table, so adding another way to clean yourself other than the bath would make sense.

Also, it could be made a consumable so if you are on your brig you can still use the bath to not use up soaps. Much like how if you’re on an island you’re not gonna go back to your brig just to use a cauldron if the island you are on has one.


Drop it.

there should be a small chance of accidentally eating it

i know its an actual thing thats why i said it

Next is eating your veggies

soon they’ll add the insomnia status effect to force players to go to bed at a reasonable time

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pvpheads worst nightmare

new immerison feature :hugs:

you do know you can go under a ledge to clear it right? stop being so lazy