New items for changing ones first magic

New items for changing ones first magic
effort 4.0 6 quality 3.0 6 reasonability 4.0 7

New item for one to change their first magic

We’ve received the Prometheus acrimony and interchange potion and they doesn’t exist in lore so another out of lore item wouldn’t be impossible, this is where the “Dense crystal of chaos energy” comes in, the item is a long shard that contains an incredible amount of magic energy stored within it.

Details/background on your proposal

The description for the item (adding some sort of logic)
“A shard that spent an unknown amount of time deep in the dark sea collecting magic energy, if brewed into a potion the users magic energy is converted into a pure form of untainted energy, allowing the user to transpose their energy with another, switching their magic”
Basically if when consumed/used, the user has their energy purified and then can then absorb a new energy type

(shard without the constant sparkles)
The “Transpose potion”

Reason to add

Any none-magic based class can easily change out their entire build, your an ironleg warlord? boom now your a thermo warlord with an entirely different setup because there’s a trainer and you have other weapons in your inventory, but if your a magic user best you can do is change your 2nd half of the build or second magic but that’s only for mages. Instead with the new reagent magic users too can change their first magic and create a new setup without having to make an entirely new file.



:+1: I have fixed my grammatical mistake

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Pleaseeeeee it’s such a simple thing to do

we already know itll be possible to change your magic eventually, making suggestions with new items to do this exact same thing wont make the process faster

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hi lol please add

Honestly, I couldn’t remember if it was or wasn’t going to be a feature, decided to make a suggestion for if it wasn’t.

I dunno about having an entire reagent just to change the ability for Magic users. Because getting the reagent is going to be useless for literally any other class in the game.

It’s better if we just put the base Magics into rare-tier scrolls that you can find in the Dark Sea or something like how Lost and Ancient Magics are planned to be.

Yeah having base magic scrolls is prob a better idea

or, you know, maybe acrimony should also change your first magic
idk why it currently doesn’t it’s already an item outside the lore

I just wish vetex would prioritize adding whatever his plan for this is.
It has been one and a half years since release and we still don’t have this basic QoL mechanic.

Given that we were allowed to change our first magic when the game released, I find it extremely hard to believe that it would take an especially long time to add this.


Yeah currently it makes it really annoying if you wanna switch builds but your magic doesn’t work with that build, so then you have to do the whole story and then transfer all your stuff to the other profile, which is one of the most annoying things ever (i had to do it ;-:wink:

If you’re referring to this part:

then I believe that “drunk” is the correct form in this case.

just say “when consumed/used” and that’ll fix it lol.

isnt drunk is when you drank too much alcohol??

Yeah, I’m not getting into a drank/drunk war

that is the state of being yes, but drunk is also the past tense form of drank. English is weird when it reuses words very often for slightly different meanings.

But yes, the sentence would be “Basically if drunk, the potion is so powerful from the sheer volume of energy it contains that it forces all of the drinker’s magic energy to leave and in it’s place give a new magic energy”

I took a few liberties and grammaticized the rest of the sentence as well. But, you should probably note that forcing all magic energy to leave someone would kill them in this universe as it is directly tied to life I believe.

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the worst part for me is not being able to transfer my renown and feats :sob:

also what if this was high quality interchange pots

His statement is why I would like to suggest that you could instead say that it converts the magic of the consumer to be in a malleable state or in a state of pure untainted energy, allowing the user to convert the nature of that pure energy.

If you want logic, it could be a mix of compact “chaos” (source of magic) and the lives of people who were lost in the dark sea

Yeah, another idea I had for an item like this was a shard of zues’s lightning, which let you change magic and make high quality interchange