Archaic: Size
Crystalline : Atk Spd
Superheated: Spread between Intensity + Power
Frozen: Defense
Sandy: Intensity
Drowned: Spread between Defense + Size
Blasted: Power
Bonus tip(s):
Lost cargos count as underwater chest
You can get drowned modifier from last spot of legendary charts (idk why to be specific it was a cernunno chart, maybe a bug or something)
The base item was only defense right?
Drowned is Armor + Attack Size. Fitting.
Just to be sure are they spread out?
they give 100% of both, apparently a bug rn
Crystalline give 18 at level 120
cool, soo can the sunken armor also get that (i like atk speed but i wish that it cant, that gonna be a pain)
you can’t dig a sunken armor out of the ground
oh i thought u get them from chests, since u know, u can get sunken from chests now
The only modifiers that can be applied to sunken are drowned and atlantean
Every other modifiers currently only exist on basic items since they can only be obtained from treasure charts.
think its been confirmed sunken cant have drowned
blasted can only be received by digging a chart at akurius keep… sunken… cant be obtained that way
i was talking about how much power
was it confirmed to be a bug
6 at max lvl, so equivalent to t1 power enchant
oh cool, time to farm for a arcsphere and speed amulete to get rid of 1 insanity