New move concepts

After full release we’ll probably be seeing more complex moves and I want to know if anyone has things they have in mind they would like to see.

I think tether for mage would be interesting you can u it to pull opponets towards you. Warden can have soul tether that either drains their own health or their opponets that also doesnt let the either of them move certain distances from eachother.

Lost spells specific to hybrids would be interesting. Like conjurer can summon spinning blades around themselves for a small period of time being a multi hit move. Make it smaller than whirlwind but potentially have more dps.

I think warden should have access to spirit weapons that are instruments that can give itself and allies buffs would be cool.

If zerker had a technique that was more like a throw with a ton of kb basically you can throw you’re opponet insanely far that would be fun. Another technique in the far future for zerker could be turning ur m1’s into shot with maybe half the range for a small period of time. U can apply the same idea to mage with beam.

Mage could have a delayed self explosion where they activate a self explosion but its delayed and has no endlag kind of like a trap.

Warrior could get a new chain weapon that deals slowness everytime they hit some one it. It also can pull people closer to them.

A berzerker exclusive weapon that is just very long hand wraps but can be used to pull opponets back to them like rock lee.

Another weapon for zerker could be ankle weights ankle weights that give u decreased speed when u have them on but taking them off gives u increased speed for a small amount of time.

Vetex said mage might get mage specific weapons like wands and stuff thats cool

Some of these stuff may be more appropriate for far future when power scaling overall is higher.

Ill probably add more to this later

A magic gourd for mage would be cool like maybe it makes ur m1 attacks much bigger but have more endlag.

There is this from 2023, no idea if it’s still going to be added

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:star_struck: peak

Can we have a bow skill that’s just a grappling hook

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Real makes sense tbh

Could be explained as the mc being light as heck and them just tethering a string to an arrow

When used on surface, launches the player towards surface
When used on player, reels in player to the attacker
When used on (magic) rubble, will launch the debris towards the player, in a sort of boomerang-snipe fashion to damage the opponent should they miss the original player (indirectly buffs debris-creating magics)

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I like it !

A lost spell for solid magics it can make paths or walls.

A lost spell for non solid magic, a support spells so basically u lend an ally ur power imbuing his next attack with ur magic.

Spells that are powerful but only aim in a certain direction could be interesting. For example, one that does a lot of damage to anything directly underneath you with good range but can’t be aimed anywhere else

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I like that maybe it makes u jump up as well?

Or the explosion from the blast props u up

Alternatively it just plays the gravity coil sound effect when you use it

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A move designed to purposefully spread debris. Like, solid debris that gets in the way of fighting. or whatever your non-solid magic does. as long as it dumps a lot of it around

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Enviornment alrtering moves would be :fire:

What if unlocking our 3mind gives us an awakening where temporarily were able to combine magics or fs. Ik there will be awakening modes in the future hopefully they are highly customizeable would make it really fun.

The reason i think this is better than a permanent 3rd magic or fs. Is that it doesn’t make current magics and fs too obsolete.