New OC ideas pls

Planning to bury my mage OC so I can make a new one and start lore for them. I want your opinions, so please reply seriously.

Here is how I would describe the OC:

“Peace, within a warring realm. A calmness unseen. What he/she lacks in physicality or power, they make it up with wisdom and self-control, relying on words not weapons.”

So, please consider the following factors:

  1. Gender
  2. Age (young)
  3. Design
  4. Build
  5. Class
  6. Personality

Girl(more gacha gamesssss reeeeee)
Yes young
Sorcerer/Mage look without hat, orayne just some default clothing with a skirt. White or pink seems like a good combo, or teal.
Mage, yes more mage just sit around and do stuff, maybe poison cuz it doesnt how t hard but has nice dot, just try not to light it on fire. Unless you’d like to give her a second personality…
Atkspd and size maybe, fast and large clouds, also works well with the new sunkens. Might want a bit of power tho if you’re gonna be pvping with it.
You kinda made up her personality already.

Have fun

Oh yeah forgot to mention they’re blind

First idea

Guy who hides his face under the mask due to certain even that damaged his face, including mask. It may or may not be related to his hair color and acid?


Swordsman who navigates purely by sensing. Either wind conj or vitality savant

You can use this gen for AO names and builds

Gender: male
Age: 18, but you can change it to age 45-65 as it fits more.
Design: Can be eastern or have a humble simple looking outfit, preferably similar to rags/robes.
Build: Basic combat/Water magic and any kind of 2nd fighting style/magic with 60 power, 1k defense and 150 atk size done via full sunket set armor with defense amulet and a arcsphere/bracelet, 2 hard 3 strong.
Class: Berserker or Mage

Personality: born in poverty he is humble yet ambitious, after a botched up tournament that led to him losing both his sight and career he now wants to find a new purpose in himself, wanting to search for a better place other than the lands of the war torn seas, alongside some friends.

He is a very human person with desires and a good person, he goes along a straight path hoping for things to get better. Very practical and realistic but won’t say no to fun and meaningful conversations.

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