Balanced shark spawns, sharks have a 4% spawn rate if you go in the water, increases to about 10% if you are bleeding. When that happens, there is a 70% chance that a normal shark will spawn, 20% that a tiger shark spawns, 8% that a great white spawns, and a 2% that a megalodon spawns.
Added Fort Omaygot in the Nimbus Sea. Omaygot serves as one of the 67 capturable outposts that will be seen throughout the game. Fort Omaygot provides the player and their clan with lucrative amounts of infamy. (Modeled by Pseudophyte)
Also added Commander Ambatunat, who is a level 500 miniboss that guards the fort. Once the fort is taken, he will no longer spawn.
Commander Ambatunat also has a chance to drop the White Ink Arcsphere, which gives the user 40 power and makes their attacks apply the new sticky status effect, which hinders movement and reduces damage by 20%.
Removed the Triasta of Bronze and replaced the drop with Old Spear with a guaranteed power enchant.
Added the new Lost Spell called Shield, which when casted, creates a large magic barrier in front of the player, that absorbs all damage. If it absorbs anything higher than 400 damage, the player takes 70% of it.
Changed Earth Magic’s damage multiplier to 0.325 and renamed it to Pebble Magic, and increased the speed multiplier to 2.4x. Does not apply the bleed effect anymore, and changed the magic size to 0.13.
Added the new Redwake exclusive Pocket Sand, which when thrown blinds a person for about 30 seconds. Good for running away from fights.
Wiped everyone’s sunken gear after repeated duping (it was for the better guys
Raised level cap to 250
Added a chance for a Rear Admiral ranging from level 20,000-300,000 to spawn when you reach maximum notoriety. They will have all two awakenings and will have further mutated magics (watch out)
Added in the legendary ship known as the Sailing Ambatublow, shoots white sludge at nearby ships that deals high amounts of damage overtime and slows down movement. When boarded, you will fight Commander Bassing, the Giver of Children. He is a level 1200 miniboss with 7469 health.
Once defeated, he will have a 0.004% chance to drop the Sword of Birth, which applies the sticky status effect and deals damage overtime.
Added the grand fortress of Laquarion, which houses King Ambatukam P. Brown, Father of All who is an optional level 100 million boss who has the White Ink Curse, White Mud Curse, and Whipped Cream God Magic. When defeated, (somehow) he drops a Power Amulet (poor)
Source: trust me bro!!
Bro accessed Reminders for AO: Part 7
the source was revealed to me in a dream
…white ink?
White Ink magic is a mutated variant of Ink Magic. In order to get White Ink magic, the player will first need Ink Magic. Ink Magic is a ancient magic, only being learnable through rare scrolls. It requires 600 magic to learn White Ink Magic.
White Ink Magic has the Sticky status effect, so it hinders movement and deals damage over time for about 20-60 seconds. The more blasts casted, the slower the target gets. The damage does not stack.
Trading values for a Ink Magic scroll can go up to 890k Galleons.
stop stop stop you’re hurting me
damn im hyped for the new update in 2069
Still no new fighting style things
Ambutaexplode after reading these patch notes
omaigott fr
uuuhhh uuuuuhhhhh
The rock eyebrow raise
for how long, tho?
Bro got a time machine and became techlevel in the future and asked Vetex