New Quest Type Suggestion

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There is a lack in variety of quest types currently in game. Right now we have quests that say “go here and kill”, “go here and fetch”, or “stay here and kill”. This is not nearly enough variety to allow a constantly engaging and fun game.

I propose a new quest type. It would be a “follow me and kill but wait kill me lol”. This would not be just one quest but a short questline.

  1. You would talk to any npc to start the questline. There is a 1/50 chance they give you the dialouge that lets you know youve started it. This text would be “Be careful bruh”.

  2. Now you have to find a random spawn npc. He is a rock magic user named Anthea Water. He would tell you that he needs 100 crowns to buy something. If you pay him the questline is canceled. However if you refuse the next part begins.

  3. This part of the questline would start after you refuse to pay him. He asks you to help him with a boss. You then get a quest marker and have to get to the place. once there you have to talk to him to start the second to last part of the questline.

  4. When you talk to him he says one thing. “Welcome to the arena i am the boss” and immediately starts attacking you. It turns out that he is actually level 5000. Good luck beating him.

Extras: If you lose (you will lose) you will continually get messages in your inbox saying “ur weak” “gg ez” and “im stronger than you irl”.


this is clearly the best sugestion in existence
pls add this vetex