New rare fighting technique - Throw

New rare fighting technique - Throw
effort 4.545454545454546 11 quality 4.833333333333333 12 reasonability 4.928571428571429 14

Launch yourself at your target in an attempt to grab them, then, throw them in a direction of your choosing


New fighting technique, the user is launched towards their cursor like crash or rushdown, dealing light damage on contact, then they hold their opponent for x amount of seconds before throwing them towards their cursor.
If the person being thrown hits the ground or wall they take damage, otherwise stop momentum after x amount of seconds. Hitting another opponent with who you threw causes damage to both of them.

Throw would be a low level unlocked scroll-technique, around a level 40 berserker or 80 into strength due to grabbing and throwing someone not being very complex.

This technique would allow for better movement control over your opponent, want them closer to your teammate? Further away from you? Into a corner? Then Throw would be your option.

Some might say “But Avocado! Rushdown already accomplishes this!”, However Rushdown is meant for more damage with slight movement control, you can choose where your opponent goes, but not very well.
Throw is meant for control & combos with the option for damage by throwing them into something.


I am a beserker main and throwing people into walls or other people sounds amazing :+1:


hit em with the


yes plss this would be awesome & strength really needs a low req rare technique


It would probably be abusable since you could throw people into whirlpools and whatnot but it’d be cool as a technique if it made you throw someone against the nearest wall/object


I am a zerker main, and I want this to be a thing!

Strength NEEDS to just be fucking cool. And this is cool. Tossing someone into a mountain, the using an Ultimate Art: Crash! on them would be so awesome.


i don’t play the game anymore but i like throwing things

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"abusable"you mean fucking awesome


When you hold down the button, it should make you rush instantly, but delay the time until you actually throw.
Button Press > Movement > Grab > Button let go > Throw


wait until lvl 600 berserkers hitting anime moves with the dramatic pause before slamming them through an entire mountain


Should be a rare technique though

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I may or may not have forgotten to write that part, thanks for reminding me!

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It’s peak…


Yea I love it, I just believe it should have a higher lvl requirement as this move would be very overpowered in savants

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why havent vetex thought of this

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I just want more fightinmg styles

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hold up, his writing is this fire?


Should have impact frames too fr


i feel like this is crash w/ knockback

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I don’t even play fighting styles but this just sounds so peak: I want to be thrown so badly now.

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