New Ravenna King

I am now the new king of Ravenna

If you wish to oppose me, you’ll have to face my royal guard, Calvus, first


Your guard seems a bit confused


King Calvus wondering why he got replaced by a half dead obese mentally ill mummified sailor:


i will tear both of you down and boil your throne into oblivion

Nah he aint confused, he’s asking me a question on how to be a proper royal guard

He is facing away from you

Im not obese, I got muscles :sob:

Well obviously he’ll face towards the only entrance where opps get in

i will heat up your seat so then it’s too uncomfortable to sit on

My shadow beam does 394 and my poison blast ult does 466 (which results in 23 damage per DoT tick, for a total of an additional 460 damage). Granted these are charged w/ my power aura, but I expect to reach these with the Dark Sea modifiers/new enchants UNCHARGED.

You better be prepared in case I need new fallen king drops. :fr:

What the actual fuck

That Ravenna Ensign is now gone, reduced to ashes. Shadow isn’t even my primary magic too so this could’ve been higher with a shadow aura :skull:

Im assuming thats like a max power set or something right

It’s mostly that, I’m using Calvus + power amulet though (no arc sphere) so it could be higher from the actual armor itself, but I also don’t have any jewels slotted in. So theoretically I could get another 24 power out of my current armor set from just jewels alone.

Mantello for some reason doesn’t load in
Beyond that though, gotta mention something about my 23 DoT damage from my poison ult. The new DoT changes let me refresh that with pulsar of all things, so enjoy having that constant 23 damage overpower your natural regen if you’re a defense build so long as I keep my distance and maintain it with a fast pulse rate pulsar with 200% size.

good luck surviving any hits in the dark sea. Though of course if you kill them before they kill you.

I’ll probably start my attack with a full power poison ult before they see me. I’ll probably also consider slotting in atk size/agility jewels, not sure about attack speed. It’s not like poison is slow, and shadow def isn’t…

whats the criteria for second magic blast shapes? just curious.

A higher level cap, I’ll get it eventually and the ultimate arts that comes with it too.
If you want a specific number then I need to go in game, and I don’t feel like risking my 20k galleons for another SS.

ah okay. I’ll look at it myself later than.

I shall serve you… (I guess :rofl:)