New recruit System

New recruit System
effort 4.5 4 quality 3.75 4 reasonability 3.5 4

My second building-based suggestion

recruits will be obtainable from saving castaways. There will be a new button in the castaway dialogue that will say “recruit” after you save them and talk to them on your boat.

when you get a recruit, it receives a randomly generated moveset (magic and fighting style) and has evenly allocated stat points. There’s a 50% chance for your recruit to have magic. You can give a recruit weapons similar to deckhand gifting. The recruit’s level is that of what it was when you captured it.

Recruit-based structures and their costs:
  • Training Center (takes 1 minute and 50 galleons to increase the level of a recruit by 1, each tier adds one recruit slot)
    NOTE: the recruit max level is their “owner”'s current level / 2 unless they are clan guards
    costs 1,000 galleons [250 galleons to upgrade]

  • Merchant Shop (gives you 1-80 galleons a minute depending on tier)
    costs 1 lucky coin, 1 recruit, and 800 galleons [250 galleons to upgrade]

  • Fishmonger Shop (increases fishing luck by 1-20% depending on tier)
    costs 1 rare fish, 1 recruit, and 800 galleons [1 rare+ fish to upgrade]

  • Canvasser Stand ( gives you a 1-10% infamy boost for that island depending on tier)
    costs 1 crafted jewel, 1 recruit

  • Guard Camp (requires 1 recruit and 500 galleons (the low cost makes up for the levels and training price), it makes the recruit attack whatever non-clan players or NPCs are on the island. if the recruit dies, they respawn in 5 minutes, or you could skip it with a healing potion. They gain levels by defeating enemies or training. This has no tier upgrades)

  • Defender Camp (requires 1 recruit and 700 galleons. You can choose what their build is, but their magic is random. You can only have 5 defenders at a time. You can give Defenders spell scrolls, magic scrolls, and decide their fighting style (you need to have that style’s quest done to select it).)

  • Clan Guard Barracks (requires 1 recruit over level 99 and 2,000 galleons, they follow whoever built the castle, but remain inside the island, and attack whatever damages them. You can change anything that you can change with a defender, but you can only have one at a time, even across multiple islands. Only clan leaders and the second-highest clan rank can use these. You can change their spells/techniques the same as your own. Clan Guard’s max level is their “owner”'s current level. )

I sure hope this goes better than my last suggestion
This is a more advanced system for the current peaceable guards idea

Reason to add:
-defense for you’re base that you don’t have to oversee
-an infamy gain boost
-passive money gain

p.s. I don’t know if the costs are balanced or not :person_shrugging: tell me what better costs I can put in there

have a nice day


time to give all my recruits plunderers and have them aimbot the crap out of people. other than that it’s a really neat way of implementing passive income for guilds, though their level should be capped at half the player’s level (and the guard barrack seems a bit too overpowered for pvp scenarios)

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Okay so you have excellent ideas but the execution is a little off. Negative Rep Players can get Recruits of max level instantly, meanwhile Positive Reps are stuck at level 3, having to spend exorbitant amounts of Galleons to get them anywhere close to a Negative players recruits.

In order for the Merchant Store to be effective you would have to remain in a server for over 13 hours, just to make back the cost.

Just some tweaking of numbers and this would be a great suggestion.

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i like this idea and the majority of the buildings but a 20% boost to fishing luck is pretty insane and the barrack guard being able to leave the island is NOT a good idea. also if the npcs level is the same level as the player, and you have like a lot of them, anybody who enters the island will just get pulverized. you could literally make a firing line with musket npcs. good idea but it has some issues yknow

Ok, I could change some things, I get how having a bodyguard with 1.5x your level can be troublesome for PVP purposes.

I’ll change it so the clan guard can’t leave the island and can only be your level at max, and the other guards’ max level will be half of your current.
The reason why I chose different ways to get recruits for positive and negative players is that It’s a lot easier to get castaways than criminals so I thought it would be balanced, I’ll change both to castaways.
Hope this makes the suggestion better
Also, I’ll buff merchants.

ok, so guards can no longer leave your island, they can only be your level divided by 2 at max unless they are a clan guard where thay can be your level, merchants give 1-80 galleons now, you can only recruit castaways, and training now costs 50 galleons instead of 250.

thanks for showing me this goated suggestion system

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