New Rule Suggestion about game discussion

imagine loving macobre when she’s already married to Night


where did u get the word love from :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
man’s trippin

Hey I’ve read it too :point_right::point_left:

imo only rule in the site should be if enough people want you gone you get banned


i want you gone
get banned

Ur just mad

simping or whatever

who i dont simp smh
no one EVER catching me simping

time to go grab some screenshots
@power :fr:

lmao dude
“queen of the forums”

yeah it probably is a joke but it’s still funny

bro that aint even me

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lmao it is

“worthy of all the respect in the world”

cap ? today was my first day ever logging onto the forums.


This is true. I ain’t ever met someone named power

just did