New Sealed Chest Ideas

New Sealed Chest Ideas
effort 5.0 20 quality 4.952380952380953 21 reasonability 4.9 20

That sounds good, but I think the name is a bit long. But I still really like the reinforced aspect.

You know, my main concern with the cursed sealed chests is that they would also need to have tiers for when the dark sea gets expanded on. Maybe have the cursed sealed chests scale using a degree or corruption mechanic, from 0 to 1250 or something. The higher the corruption the more potent the rewards but also the more dangerous the sealed chest will be.
Likewise, what happens to the ship if multiple cursed sealed chests are on it? Does the damage increase, or how frequently it procs is increased?

Counter play:
Ship parts from cursed sealed chests or ship parts with a warding enchant would be the primary counter here. They would provide a resistance to corruption, and maybe even provide a level of safety around the ship while in the dark seas.
Let’s say that ship warding has can scale to level 5. The levels are more of an indicator of potency rather than fixed strength.

Level 1 (Warding <= 75): Each point of warding provides a resistance to corruption per point of 2.

Level 2 (75 < Warding <= 150): Each point of warding provides a resistance to corruption per point of 3.5, and a small barrier is formed around the ship for the early portions of the dark seas to protect the player and it’s crew.

Level 3 (150 < Warding <= 250): Each point of warding provides a resistance to corruption per point of 5, and the barrier is strengthened (can handle level 2 insanity zones). Warding barrier can provide a clear mind status that reduces the severity of insanity for 0.6 seconds per point of warding after 150 to 250 (cap is 1 minute).

Level 4 (250 < Warding <= 500): Each point of warding provides a resistance to corruption per point of 6, and the barrier is strengthened (can handle level 3 insanity zones). Warding barrier’s clear mind status is now effective in insanity level 4 zones at 1/2 duration effectiveness.

Level 5 (500+ Warding): Each point of warding provides resistance to corruption per point of 7.5, and the barrier is strengthened (can handle level 4 insanity zones). Warding barrier’s clear mind status now has full effectiveness in level 4 zones.

Corruption can be used to calculate the number of sealed chests that would be safe for your ship to handle. The barrier is a way of you not going insane and dying when you get to your ship while holding the corrupted sealed chests in the mad rush to make it back to your ship.
Note that the damage from the corrupted sealed chest only begins to get calculated once you go over the limit. Corruption levels for each zone of insanity could be from 1 to 4: 25, 100, 400, and 1250.


Rusty weapons that get restored in a YouTube video by the player

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reagents and catalysts

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3 blue clams, 5 pieces of seaweed

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that feels more like stuff you’d find in the sunken sealed chests since diving spots are supposed to be how you get those.

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oh i thought you were talking about them

oh no we were talking about what should separate buried sealed chests from normal bronze sealed chests.

when I think about buried treasure, I don’t think about a brand new set of cannons or parts of old ships, I think gold, silver, shining gemstones, and golden items with silver inlay and shining gemstones embedded.

Vee techs games please add

yes yes yes!

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shadow magic

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who put him in a chest

let him out

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more sealed chests please, bronze is getting a lil boring

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I like this idea. Tbh I didn’t flesh out cursed chests because the Dark Seas is a was off and tbh I rather Vet focus on improving the in-game experience of the Bronze Sea before working on the Nimbus or Dark Sea.

But yes I agree it will need tiers. In fact, I’d say there should be more varieties of sealed chests for the Dark Seas, with cursed chests being one of them. I also like the idea of having ship parts that protect your ship from cursed sealed chests.

I actually suggested Sunken Sealed Chests in the tester chat before the underwater update. My hope was that Vet might consider incorporating this idea, even just as a framework. I had noticed players becoming bored with the bronze-sealed chests, and I knew that relying on them too heavily would only make them less exciting over time. And it seems I was right, It’s clear from the community’s feedback that people are growing tired of the same old loot. While I understand that Vet cannot conjure up new content out of thin air, I believe my suggestion is reasonable because many of the new sunken items I proposed are simply reskins of existing assets.



I thought on the idea some and maybe the stronghold specific chests could be replaced with strongboxes that more resemble ornate metal boxes with a visual theme on the area its from.

IE: A strongbox from fort crustum/talos would be made of bronze with dark red metal designs on the sides possibly including a Ravenna emblem on the back or top.

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How about just, reinforced sealed chests? Man do I love it when it doesn’t reply to the things I click reply on

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If you like Sea of Thieves just say so man :mariomug:.
Honestly great ideas but more than half of them feel like a direct rip-off of SOT mechanics (and I’m not angry about it I love SOT :poggers2:).

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Similar SoT Mechanics:

This is in SoT, although it is a very basic idea so I can’t just say that SoT “thought of it first” or something like that.

This is in SoT, Skull Forts and and Sea Fortresses are literally the exact thing you are describing :sweat_smile:.

Also in SoT, shipwrecks and underwater shrines :joy:.

Reminds me of the Rage Chest, Sorrow Chest, and Chest of a Thousand Grogs in SoT, but it is a very cool twist on the idea, since the chests you proposed actually have a way to kill you, rather than sinking your ship :nod:.

The ghost ship idea is also in SoT, with Chest of the Damned spawning after destroying them. While you do have to locate the ghost ship in SoT, you don’t need to follow it, so I do like the idea of following a ship to its destination for more loot.

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