New Style Again I Guess? (Thunder Jabs or smth idk i'm too lazy)

New Style Again I Guess? (Thunder Jabs or smth idk i'm too lazy)
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

like the title said i’m too lazy to make a name. this style is obviously inspired by uh… lightning. the magic… yeah. since Knocking Fist is, until further notice, most likely discontinued, i thought i’d make a different concept, albeit somewhat similar.

this style will also hold slight similarity to my other style idea, Coma Fist, being a combo-needed style in order to grasp it’s full potential.

The Style :money_mouth_face:

the style involves sharp movements and usage of all your joints, including elbow jabs, neck chops and knee kicks, getting at your opponent’s pressure points at blinding speed. naturally, it would have the same affinities and similar stats to Lightning, while having the same pallet as the blue variant.

as for it’s “unique” concept, this style would be almost a direct copy of Crystal, having a similar feature to Crystalized; Pressure.

Pressure stacks up to twice, and upon hitting an opponent with 2 stacks of Pressure with either Thunder Jabs or Lightning Magic, that hit will deal more damage.

What makes this different from Crystalized is that it only works for Thunder Jabs/Lightning Magic. Inheritely, this makes it less synergistic, since unlike Crystalized, you can’t have stacks of Crystalized, then switch to Iron Leg or a Weapon and deal more damage with that.

However, this also increases the reason to use stun builds, as stunning your opponent would allow you to get off more Pressure stacks and detonations. This also acts as a “buff” to grabs for Thunder Jabs.

Another obvious reason this is completely seperate from Crystal is their differences in stats, with Thunder Jabs having high speed in turn for low size, and Crystal having decent size for alright speed.

This also gives Lightning Warlocks a different style to use that isn’t just Sailor Fist (or… Iron Leg if you’re badass), and just IMAGINE the flashy, sharp effects of a Lightning-imbued Thunder Jabs. Also makes Thunder Jabs Sunken Sword/Staff Warlords a thing.

Other Stuff I Guess

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don’t have much to put here other than the fact that i didn’t have many other ideas besides directly ripping Knocking Fist or, what I did, being stealing Crystalized.

but Vetex please bring back Knocking Fist or Karate :pray: i will give you 1 MILLION tix :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: you like money right???

the ideas weren’t boring though, seriously. Knocking Fist sounded genuinely unique.

Uhhhhhh yeah. I’m probably gonna make one more style idea (that One Punch style) and then maybe slow down on suggestions unless if i come up with something brilliant.

k see you next time i guess feel free to leave feedback i guess (or leave your credit card number that’s fine too :money_mouth_face:)


The stats for Strength items would be +25% Power, +50% Attack Speed, +25% Agility, and the quest would probably be like… uhhh… collect copper shrooms or something electrocutable like that. i don’t know man i’m eepy :zzz:

k that’s all seriously this time bye


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Wasn’t iron leg shattering crystallized stacks removed in 1.12? I might be misremembering but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work anymore

only dmg got nerfed i think

No, it just doesn’t automatically shatter crystallize anymore

i may or may not use a stun build. i don’t know ANYTHING.

tl;dr: Stun builds don’t really stun anymore

stuns were removed and replaced with slows wich as just as braindead but less gamebreaking

noooooo :sob: makes sense i guess though they were kinda broken if you can just interrupt your opponent

so real good for mosquitos then. still, I’d opt for stun builds regardless on this idea. even slow would help you catch up and/or combo

nice work system